Saturday, January 22, 2005

Leaving your pet in good hands.

For many people, taking the family pet on holiday is not an option. Perhaps you are going abroad or staying with people who already have their own pets.
There are many boarding kennels or catteries that will look after your special pets perfectly well. Ask your friends, neighbours or family for recommendations or any experiences they may have had with the local kennels. If you have any special health requirements perhaps your local vet may be able to assist you.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Pets and Holidays

Are you trying to decide whether to take your pet on holiday with you? Personally, I remember taking my two-year-old and four-year-old sons on a camping holiday along with our two dogs. Both of my dogs were well trained but in the different and exciting surroundings of a campsite they were a handful - and as for my two sons –‘boys will be boys’! Luckily I had friends on hand to help me out but by the end of the holidays I was so looking forward to going home for a rest!

I now frequently take my dogs with me on holiday as my sons have grown up and can help me out – times have changed.

So, before you take your pets away with you on holiday make sure it will be a success and you won’t end up becoming more stressed out - after all it is supposed to be a holiday for you too!

Next time we’ll have a look at finding a good holiday home for your pets.