Monday, January 03, 2005

Pets and Holidays

Are you trying to decide whether to take your pet on holiday with you? Personally, I remember taking my two-year-old and four-year-old sons on a camping holiday along with our two dogs. Both of my dogs were well trained but in the different and exciting surroundings of a campsite they were a handful - and as for my two sons –‘boys will be boys’! Luckily I had friends on hand to help me out but by the end of the holidays I was so looking forward to going home for a rest!

I now frequently take my dogs with me on holiday as my sons have grown up and can help me out – times have changed.

So, before you take your pets away with you on holiday make sure it will be a success and you won’t end up becoming more stressed out - after all it is supposed to be a holiday for you too!

Next time we’ll have a look at finding a good holiday home for your pets.


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